Homemade Crayons

By: Robin Ruerhrwein

This is a tutorial that I posted on my personal blog, Masshole Mommy, last week, but I was so proud of my accomplishment – that I wanted to share it here, too.

Let me start by saying that I don’t consider myself to be a crafty sort of mom. I just don’t have what it takes to pull it off as much as I wish I did. I do a lot of scrapbooking, though, and not to toot my own horn, but I think I do a pretty good job at them.  That is pretty much the extent of my crafting abilities, though.  However, as I started planning my boys Lego themed birthday party, which I’m having in August, I realized that I’d either have to shell out a lot of cash for Lego supplies – or just make them myself.  So my first attempt at being crafty was to make Lego shaped crayons that I plan on putting into the kids goody bags.

So, I went onto Ebay and ordered these silicone ice cube trays:

As you can see one tray consists of little Lego bricks and the other are Lego Minifigure shaped (and yes, they are the exact same height as a real Lego Minifigure).  They were only a couple of bucks apiece and compared to buying premade Lego shaped crayons (on Ebay or similar sites), I saved a bundle.

I picked up a bunch of packs of crayons for .24 cents each while I was at Walmart and those are what I used to make the Lego shaped crayons.

Next I spent what felt like forever some time peeling all of them.

After they were all peeled, I broke them into little pieces and filled the molds:

Next I put them into the microwave (12 minutes for the Minifigures and 15 minutes for the Lego bricks) until all the crayons were melted:

Once the wax was fully melted, I put the trays of melted wax into the fridge for about ten minutes and voila:

These were so inexpensive and easy to make & I really was proud that they turned out so well. What do you think?

118 thoughts on “Homemade Crayons

    1. Thanks for sharing this. I was actually thinking the same thing when I read this post: What a great way to recycle worn down and broken crayons!

  1. Great post. I made something similar once and my fingers were so sore after removing those wrappers! You did a great job, can’t wait to see party pictures!

    1. I love that idea! My sister does Slumber Parties and I am going to make that suggestion to her, thanks 🙂

  2. These are so cute and creative! I’m studying to be an elementary school teacher and I’d love to do this for my future classroom! Great idea!

  3. These are VERY cool! I love this. I didn’t even know you could purchase moulds online. This is a fantastic idea, and I’m sure a ton of mom’s are going to follow in your footsteps with whatever party themes they decide on and make crayons related to it!!

  4. Brilliant! When I was a kid, we make new crayons out of all our old and broken ones, but we just used mini muffin pans. Using shaped molds like these are so much better. Your boys will have an amazing party 🙂

  5. That’s awesome! I have lots of good memories of playing Legos with my siblings. And these wouldn’t hurt so much if you step on them…

  6. excellent idea, im gonna be on the lookout for some interestingly shaped ice cube trays now!

    it might be worth throwing a little ”dont leave the room” safety addendum on the bottom of this post though… i had a look at your own blog and spotted the slightly less successful attempt! x

  7. These are so awesome! I’m thinking flower shaped for my girls! You’ve opened up a whole new world!!! You may not think your creative but you certainly have a creative mind! 😀 Great post, thanks for sharing it. xox

  8. Wow… when I was a kid I would have had my parents pay a lot of money to buy these for me. I loved Lego’s and I loved coloring. Would have been neat to combine the two.

    I am very impressed by what you did… maybe you should hit up Lego to see if they would be interested in the idea? They have Lego candy, I don’t see why they can’t make Lego crayons.

  9. This is great! Very clever idea. Not to mention you’re being money saver! I can share this tutorial to my nephews and nieces. Am sure they will enjoy it. Thanks a lot for sharing!

  10. Ahhh I used to loveeeee legos when I was a kid…heck I still love them! This is such a creative response to getting rid of your old crayons!

  11. Congratulations for making it in the freshly pressed!
    I love your idea! It’s another way of using worn and overused crayons. I think we could even involve kids in this task.

  12. Wow what a project!!! I retweeted and put this link up on my Facebook, I’ve asked my friends if they would like to volunteer their children so I can make these for them!! THank you so much for sharing!

  13. GREAT post and idea as a crater myself well not as much as I like this will be defiantly something I will have to do in the future thanks.

  14. Thanking you in advance for a peaceful day during the next school holidays! The kids will love doing this. I will be on the look-out for other interesting molds now. Congrats on being freshly pressed too.

  15. Great idea. You know the very first thing I did was go to e-bay and investigate the price of those molds. (Never knew they had such a thing) What a perfect back to school project to do for a teacher who needs cheap things in her treasure chest.

  16. That’s so cool! I might have to try that. I’ve got several shaped ice-cube trays. Not Lego, but cool anyway. You could make all sorts of shapes.

  17. My mother and I used to make these when I was a child, although then we used the inner core of spools of thread and would have to use one color at a time.

    Awesome project. 🙂

  18. Very cute…I have a similar post on my blog about making crayons for my classroom. It is listed under the Projects Page. Just wanted to share something that took me way too long to figure out…soak your crayons in water…wrappers fall right off. Peeling is rough on the fingernails!!

  19. wow, what an amazing idea. I’m a new blogger and I don’t know my way around that much here and I’m really excited to explore all the other blogs that could mean something to me. I’ve got two kids, my daughter’s 10 and my son’s 2. I’m so glad I checked out your page. Will be a regular visitor from now on 🙂 more power!

  20. GREAT REVIEW! I pretty much agree with all your thoughts you said in your post, especially at the end of your article. Thank you, your post is very useful as always. Keep up the good work! You’ve got +1 more reader of your blog:) Isabella S.

  21. Great idea love the lego crayons, those trays are great. Been looking for ideas to entertain my son through the school holidays definitely going to have to give this a go as he’s got loads of broken crayons. Thanks for sharing

  22. Ok…so this was the first time I’d heard about doing them in the microwave and jumped right on it. I wanted to make some awesome shapes for my preschool daughter’s class….Too freaking awesome! No double broiler needed, no paper cups & oven, etc!!!

    You may want to add a line about making sure to stay on top of the crayons in the microwave & to check them, EARLY – as in within the first 1-2 minutes – to make sure it is going to take even more than 5 minutes to melt down the crayons. Else not to have the microwave on high?

    I didn’t check on mine until about 6 minutes into it and I not only melted my crayons, but my silicone tray is part of the melted crayon blob and a permanent part of the plate I’d put the tray on. I know, likely mostly my fault for not staying in there with them, but it totally sucked to lose my new tray.

  23. What a super idea, who would of thought it. Now I know what to do with all the odd bits I find lying around the house. Will keep the kids entertained both making and using. Thanks for this tip x

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